We're here to support you!
Got a question? You’re in the right place!
Browse through our FAQs, and if you don’t find what you need, send us a message and we'll be happy to help!
Something in the app isn't working, please help!
Here are two steps to get the app working again:
Go to your App Store or Google Play Store and make sure you've downloaded the latest version of the app, as updates often fix issues.
If your app is up to date, try closing the app completely and reopening it — sometimes a quick refresh does the trick.
If the problem persists, please take a screenshot and email us at care@motherspa.co.uk with a brief description of the issue. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
How is my data handled?
Your privacy is our top priority. We only collect the data necessary to provide you with personalised support while using the app. All your data is private and held securely.
For more details, you can click here review our full Privacy Policy.
How do I reset my password?
To reset your password, follow these simple steps:
If you're logged in, go to settings and click "Log Out."
Open the app again, and click "Start Now" and "Next" until you see the sign up page. Click "Log In" in the bottom right tab.
Click the "Forgot password" button
Follow the instructions to receive an email with a link to reset it.
If you don't receive the email, check your spam folder or contact our support team at care@motherspa.co.uk for assistance.
How do I update my profile?
To update your profile, follow these simple steps:
Log into your account and navigate to "Settings."
Select "Update My Profile" where you can easily edit your name and other personal information.
To remove any details, simply click on the field you'd like to change and erase the text. Your profile will automatically save your updates as you make them, so there's no need to worry about saving manually.
How do I delete my account?
Sorry to hear you'd like to delete your account. We're sad to see you go. 😢
To delete your account, follow these steps:
Log into your account and navigate to "Settings."
Select "Manage your account" and press the button "Delete Account." This will permanently delete your account and all the data associated with it immediately.
Couldn't find what you're looking for?
If you have any other question or problem, email us at care@motherspa.co.uk and we'd be happy to help.